Grin Dentistry

Dental Emergencies

Be Prepared for Dental EmergenciesFall is upon us! Weekend getaways, family vacations, football season, and trips to the orchard - no one


plans for dental emergencies to happen. They usually come at the worst time possible and in the most unexpected ways. For example: you were eating your favorite caramel apple and all of a sudden you were no longer only chewing a juice apple but - your tooth broke in half. Or, your child is trying to score a soccer goal at the team's championship game when - BANG - there is a collision. Maybe this has happened to you: you had a little toothache for a few days and even though it hurt, it wasn't bad enough for you to take some time off work to see your dentist. Now the weekend is here and all of a sudden the pain level has gone from a 3 to a 10 and your jaw has started to ache. Now you have a dental emergency. What You Can Do when you have Dental Emergencies

  • If you have a broken tooth: Save any pieces of the tooth, rinse your mouth with warm salt water, apply a cold compress to reduce swelling, and call your dentist
  • If your tooth is knocked out: Retrieve the tooth and rinse carefully. If you are able, put the tooth back in place as this will help preserve the tooth but do not force it. If you are unable to put the tooth back in place, store it in a sealed container of milk and call your dentist
  • If you have severe pain and/or swelling: Rinse your mouth thoroughly with warm salt water, apply a cold compress, take an over the counter pain reliever, and call your dentist

Here are some quick tips to help you be prepared to handle any dental emergencies:

  • Avoid chewing hard candy, ice, popcorn kernels, and any other foods that could crack or damage your teeth.
  • Wear a mouth guard when participating in sports activities.
  • Brush and floss regularly to prevent gum disease and maintain healthy teeth
  • See your dentist at your recommended frequency to ensure your dental health is stable and there are no undiagnosed conditions.

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