Phobia: (noun) A marked and persistent fear of a clearly defined object or situation.In this case, fear of dentistry and of receiving dental care. People may go through great lengths to avoid being confronted by their fears or phobias. It may be similar to post-traumatic stress caused by previous traumatic dental experiences.Sedation dentistry is a perfect start for facing your fears!• It RELAXES you• It helps you OVERCOME anxiety• It makes dental procedures SAFER• It FACILITATES effective dental treatment• It COMBINES multiple procedures into fewer visits• No LECTURES!
As a person and as the top Dentist in Fishers, IN, Dr. Mundy understands what it's like for patients to be afraid. Luckily, we have the best sedation dentistry methods and every comfort available for you to conquer your fears and enjoy a better lifestyle.Plus, we don't charge for laughing gas "N2O2" at our office - a rarity for dental practices!Take action. Never let your fears control you again. Talk to us about your fears and we’ll create an experience where you can make all that go away once and for all.
We'd love to serve you and your family. Call today or set up your appointment online.